Not a compelling title for a blog, I know, but perhaps one of the most important things to understand about Alexander's work. It is a phrase I wish I had come up with, and comes from a pupil who has gone on to train as an Alexander Technique Teacher. They used it in one lesson with me, to sum up their insight into what I was teaching them. It expresses something very nicely that people take time to understand about Alexander's work. It is often missed if a person's exposure is limited or they fail to understand the importance of the primary control in developing constructive conscious control. Constructive Conscious Control, of course is also a daunting phrase, and being the aim of Alexander Technique it is important to understand it.
Breaking down the phrase into its constituent parts enables it to be quite easily understandable by most people. Particularly when followed by a simple and practical demonstration that is relevant to them. The easiest place to start is with the middle and last terms together. ‘Conscious control’ for Alexander means being aware of how we control ourselves in thinking and action. The contrast to conscious control is where we are unaware of how we do things, where we rely on what Alexander would have called ‘sub-conscious guidance and control’ and the trouble with sub-conscious guidance and control is not only are we not fully aware of how we are controlling the use of ourselves and our habits, but we are also not fully alive to the short and long-term implications of how we go about things. Implications which include poor performance, being in a bad mood, to troublesome musculoskeletal problems such as back and neck pain. For Alexander such implications are indications of a control that is destructive of the positive potentialities that he would see as our birthright and future.
The positive potentialities can be maximised through a conscious control that is constructive, that is not only is not harmful but it improves what he termed the ‘standard of functioning’ through time – which is another Alexander phrase that lacks appeal and is difficult to get to grips with. Which I’ll blog about sometime but for the moment it might be best understood as covering an amalgam of different psycho-physical attributes all trending in a positive direction. So constructive conscious control improves not just performance, but mental and physical well being, as well as helping prevent various ailments that are centred around interference with breathing and a harmful use of the musculoskeletal system.
Like a good engineer Alexander discovered one central factor that worked to control everything, which involves a ‘certain use of the head in relation to the neck, and the head and neck in relation to the torso, and the other parts’. That ‘certain use’ is an intentional choice to both not do certain things and to proceed about one’s business in definite manner which promotes ‘freedom in thought and action.’ As a certain use it precedes everything, thinking about a subject, a person; making a movement, performing an action. It is primary, it comes first, always, in everything.